Mibolerone is an oral anabolic androgen, and it is derived from another popular steroid, Nandrolone. This is actually an altered from of Nandrolone. Cheque drops are created by simply adding an additional methyl group to the 7th and 17th position of the Nandrolone hormone. This added group at the 7th position makes it a lot more potent in terms of its androgenic effects, and it prevents the 5-alpha reductase enzyme from working. The additional group to the 17th position also protects the hormone from being damaged during oral ingestion. So technically, it’s considered a C17-alpha alkylated anabolic steroid.
With just these little, itty-bitty changes, it makes the Nandrolone hormone super potent and super powerful. It literally might be one of the most powerful androgens ever created, so much so, that Upjohn actually says that Cheque Drops is approximately six times stronger than testosterone and almost three times as potent of an androgenic compound. Functionally, it seems to be much more powerful in those respects as well.
The drug only has a half life of about 4 hours tops, and in terms of the timing of when it’s administered, this is typically about half an hour before a serious competition. Keep in mind, it’s extremely powerful, so much so that it’s one of the few steroids that people take in micrograms rather than miligrams.
Without a doubt, the primary reasons that Cheque Drops is a popular drug is due to its highly potent androgenic effects, in other words, its capacity to enhance and strengthen aggression. This is why it’s a popular choice of fighters, combat athletes, and strength athletes, too. For those that are used to high levels of competition, it’s very obvious what it can do in terms of its effects; this makes it incredibly useful and practical. Contrary to popular belief, most anabolic steroids do not increase aggression. Sure, they can increase focus and enhance levels of testosterone leading to more focus and motivation, but as far as combative, angry aggression, few drugs have the effect that Miberlorone has. Aggression is by no means a bad thing, either. If you’re a level-headed, responsible person, you can make great use of aggression when used appropriately. However, if someone has a bad attitude, it would be an unwise decision to give them or allow them to use Cheque Drops.
The primary reason anyone would use this sort of drug is, again, for the purpose of enhancing cognitive focus and aggression leading up to a fight or some other short burst, need-to-get-psyched-up type of contest. It’s very common athletes to take the drug leading up to a fight to get more aggressive in the gym, but bodybuilders will use it at the end of a contest diet prep to get through those final weeks from a cognitive perspective. In bodybuilding, prep is very difficult, and in those last weeks where times tend to get toughest, there is always a need for that one last mental push, and Cheque Drops is able to do that for them. It should be noted that sustained use of it can lead to some aromatization, however, so water retention is a possibility. That said, it is something that can be controlled and isn’t as big of a deal in comparison to the other aspects that make prep so challenging.
In theory, Cheque Drops is a drug that would have some potent anabolic properties, but because of how dangerous it is for your health, it makes absolutely no sense to use this drug primarily for that purpose. That said, someone is much better off just taking it for the purpose of aggression, and again, that really is the only reason to take it given how dangerous it can be in so many other ways.
Administration of Cheque Drops:
As far as taking the drug, you’ll most likely want to take it in oral doses that stand anywhere between 200-300micro grams. This is a conservative dose, but it’s enough for you to assess and feel the effects of the drug. Sometimes, however, you’ll see suggestions that go as high as 400 mcg a day, but again, it all depends n the individual and your tolerance for some of the side effects we went over earlier. The drug is not therapeutic by any means, so if you plan to use it, make sure you’re taking it right before your fight or competition. It will kick in and give you the edge very quickly, but remember, sustained use is very dangerous given its power and toxicity to the liver. When using this drug, you’ll have to hit it hard. There are no doses designed specifically for maintenance, as you would with a testosterone.